

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Caring for Yourself?

Ever wonder how to keep your life in balance?
Where the Spirit is made new through Christ, the mind, will, and emotions all benefit, and, as the person moves from milk to meat, all is brought into balance. Then there is a health that radiates and beautifies.
For more, follow me over to Raising Homemakers, where I reveal the "self" secrets of a godly mother...

1 comment:

  1. Well, what a nice surprise. Usually when I want to see someone speak it is clear on the other coast; imagine my surprise when this is only 4 hrs away from me! I have gleaned so much wisdom from you already! So if some silly red headed lady squeals and gives you a big o' hug, um yeah, that might be me! *wink*
    Praying for you as you prepare for this...
    ~the other Sheri *smile*
