

Free homeschooling printables

Here are some different printables I have created for my own family that may bless others. They are being provided via Homeschool Launch, which is a wonderful site for sharing files such as these:

McGuffey's, Ray's Arithmetics, and general homeschool planning and tracking pages. These I developed to try and keep things straight in my own brain for a while!

Notebooking pages for the McGuffey lessons. I created these for those who tend to be a little bit more "distracted" when given a McGuffey assignment.

Writing organization sheets. These were created to help my children organize their writing for expository writing.

McGuffey's lesson sticky note idea. This was created to show how to make up "sticky notes" to put on each child's reader so that they will know what to do for each lesson assigned. This is a great way to take full advantage of each of these lessons by including scripture copywork and other extensions.

McGuffey's Familiar Animals notebooking pages. These are created specifically for McGuffey's Familiar Animals (included on the Eclectic Education Series discs from Dollar Homeschool).

French study flash cards, etc. These were developed to go along with the French instruction section of the Cyclopedia included with the Eclectic Education Series discs.


  1. Thank you for your desire to help others. You have definitely provided some ideas for necessary subjects under christian homeschool curriculum to be categorized.

  2. The links aren't working for the printable. I would also liketo contact you about another question I have about using Ray's Math.

  3. Could you refresh them and make the links work again thank you
